Where are you located?
Our office is in Louisville, CO; however, we switched to remote sessions (during the 2020 year) and clients have enjoyed connecting from the comfort of their homes. For now, we are continuing remote offerings as the primary offering. Inquire about in person options, if this is what feels most supportive to you.
Do you take insurance?
Integrative coaching isn’t a covered service and thus we do not take insurance. Although Juli is a certified and licensed SLP in CO she only offers traditional SLP services through her work in the healthcare system (UCHealth).
Here, Juli brings forward her 24 years of experience working in healthcare, as well as her expertise in neuroscience and cognitive communication treatment, and she integrates this with integrative coaching modalities to empower people in making positive change.
Juli works mostly with adults; however, has been sought out occasionally as a resource for preteens and teens as well.